Wordpress Website Development
WebChargers trains you and your staff in using the WordPress dashboard. It allows you to quickly edit and update your content, making your website dynamic.

For Dynamic Websites, Convert to WordPress
WebChargers is a leading Web Application Development Company, which works with websites using WordPress. If you don’t have a WordPress website already consider converting, as it is used by 19% of the top 10 million websites, powering approximately 60 million websites. We are a WordPress Website Development Company, offering solutions such as Dynamic Websites with the help of WordPress.
Our Web Development Services in India offers WordPress for dynamic websites, with built-in Content Management System. You can transform your website with the help of thousands of plugins and themes available in WordPress. Everything from websites to complex portals, to blogs and enterprise websites, are built with WordPress. All of your content including pictures, videos, pdf’s, social media links, forms, etc, can be converted through WordPress. The converted WordPress website includes responsive web design and is ready for SEO work, for multiple platforms such as tablets and smartphones.

Following are some of the features of WordPress:
WebChargers trains you and your staff in using the WordPress dashboard. It allows you to quickly edit and update your content, making your website dynamic.
WordPress has a flexibility, which combines easily usable content management system dashboard, with simplicity as well as under-the-hood complexity for developers. WordPress enables you to convert any type of website – a personal website or blog, business website, photoblog, professional portfolio, corporate website, magazine or news website, government website or an online community.
If you are already using MS Word or a similar program, it will be easy for you to create content with WordPress. In matter of minutes you can create a blog post, a page for your website, add a photo, format the content and click publish. If you need to make an update – just edit the post or the page and click update.
WordPress can help in creating a draft and sharing it with your colleagues. If you want to schedule the exact time that your new post or page goes online, you just have to secure the page or post with a password and your work is done.
Five levels of users are present and you choose a level as you go on adding users. Administrators (manage the site), Authors – Contributors (write the content), Editors (work with content) and Subscribers (part of your community).
Graphics as well as images come second to content when it comes to setting your website apart from others. With WordPress it becomes quick and easy to upload images as well as other media content such as PDF’s. You can just drag and drop or use the WordPress uploader. We have some image gallery plugins that we like to use, which makes creating photo galleries really easy.
Plugins offer limitless options for the website to grow. There are thousands of plugins available in the WordPress plugin directory. Plugins are often added for more complete image galleries, social networking, forms which go beyond simple contact, social media widgets, forums, event calenders, spam protection and plugins which allows integrating search engine optimization.
Using WordPress means that only you and no one else has to access your content. And, you have the freedom to handle all the content and data on your website.