While building your website, one of the important decisions to make is whether to have a tailored website, or use free templates. Choosing a free template may be tempting since it’s free, but you should consider whether it will be beneficial for your business in the long run. To help you with this decision, we’ve listed the top advantages of having a custom website.
1. It Does Well in Search Engine Rankings
Custom designed sites are SEO friendly and are suitable for online marketing, therefore, on search engine rankings, they have the capability of doing better than generic free sites. Staying on top of search engine rankings for a long time is important for more people to see your website and link to it. These links are vital to boost your rankings. Each day your site performs badly on the web is another day your competitors get the opportunity to get more links, and get higher rankings. Custom web development services enable your website to go higher on search engine rankings, so it is better to create a tailored website, in order to increase your pace against competitors.
2. It Is Good for Print Media as Well as Online Marketing
Generic template sites, unlike custom sites, are only good for print advertising or word-of-mouth. If you see closely the sites that rank highly, you’d see that free sites do not appear in this league. Online marketing techniques cannot be applied on generic websites, in order to help them reach the front pages of search engines.
3. You Get Constant Assistance from Professionals
A generic website will not be able to provide you with the same professional assistance as a custom website. It does not offer ongoing support or dedicated help from professional developers.
4. Custom Websites Are Unique and High in Quality
As compared to customized websites, free sites are poor in quality. Consumers might relate your unimpressive online representation, with the quality of products and services your business offers. Hence, potential customers may be driven away.
5. Configuring and Updating a Free Website Takes a Lot of Time
Configuration and updation of a free website takes hours, if not days, because of the restrictions set by the provider. Not a lot can be expected from a free website as the business model of these providers involves spending hours on your free site, so that they are able to sell more services to you.