Servers are one of the most important parts of the internet. The primary purpose of the servers is file and data storage. Servers also help in managing how a computer accesses the data in a network or a centralised system. It is considered as the connector that is used to ensure that a website is accessible to the readers or viewers. While there are multiple ways that you can access a server and make your domain name available online, Dedicated Server Hosting has started to gain popularity lately. The article below describes all that you need to know about Dedicated Server Hosting and it will show a comparison with other methods as well.
Dedicated Server Hosting is when you get to use a single server exclusively and you don’t have to share the server with anyone else. It makes you the controlling person and you can choose to tailor your server as per your requirement and according to the needs of your domain. Though Dedicated Servers are on the expensive side, you get multiple features and options that are worth paying for. Basically, if your website is visited by a lot of people within a very short period of time, Dedicated Server is the correct choice for you.
The way it works:
Do you know the fact that personal computers used to be huge in size before the small rendition of the same came to the market? Dedicated Servers are quite big and they have a physical existence as well. Just like any other PC, Dedicated Servers also have RAM, microprocessors, hard drives etc. When a computer is developed in order to manage a large amount of data, you can call it a server. On the other hand, if you are using one such computer that is working exclusively for your website, you are using Dedicated Server Hosting.
Dedicated Servers can be divided into two primary parts that are described underneath:
- Unmanaged: Unmanaged Dedicated Server means that you are the one who is controlling the server. Therefore, you are responsible for the maintenance of the server.
- Managed: On the contrary, you can hire another company that will not only maintain the Dedicated Server but will also make sure that it keeps running flawlessly. This procedure is called Managed Dedicated Server. The only thing that you will be responsible for is to send the information to the hired company. generally, managed Dedicated Server can offer features like 24×7 help desk, 24×7 monitoring, operating system updating, scanning for viruses and malware, filtering spams, updating kernels and DLL files etc.
The advantages of choosing Dedicated Server Hosting:
- Performance: Dedicated Server can handle a huge amount of information at any point in time. Therefore, you can trust Dedicated Server for its performance and it won’t show any glitches even while your website witnesses a heavy traffic.
- Reliable: It can be said without a doubt that most of the people invest in Dedicated Server Hosting because of its reliability. As you are the chief of the Dedicated Server, you can control the minimum downtime, the changes and the upgrades required. You can even predict the cost for the maintenance and repairs and plan for it beforehand so that it doesn’t burn a hole in your pockets.
- Control: No matter what kind of Dedicated Server you have chosen, managed or unmanaged, the control is absolutely in your hands. You can change the software to suit your needs and even improve the service based on your prerequisites.
- Secure: As you are the person in control of Dedicated Server and you can tailor the requirements as per your needs, it’s the most secure server.
Cloud Hosting Vs. Dedicated Server Hosting:
Since the introduction of cloud hosting, many people have shifted to it. Cloud hosting saves a lot of space as data is stored in the ‘cloud’. To be specific, you are able to save your information in the storage space that is available online. You can access the information from any device and from anywhere by signing up with your account. Various domains also keep their data stored in the cloud which is known as cloud hosting. There are some pros and cons of cloud hosting that are mentioned below:
- In general, cloud consists of multiple servers. Therefore, if any of the servers stop working, other servers will make up for it
- As cloud has several servers, storage extension becomes easy and you can increase the capacity as per the need
- Cloud hosting is less expensive in comparison to Dedicated Server Hosting
- A few years back, some private images of some celebrities became public because of one of the cloud hosting company’s weakness. Therefore, surely, cloud hosting is not trustworthy in terms of security till now
Virtual Private Server Vs. Dedicated Server Hosting:
Though Virtual Private Server is similar to Dedicated Server Hosting, it covers only works on a limited scale. Many people compare with a condominium where you enjoy only a small portion of the large property. Similarly, in Virtual Private Server, you can make some changes within your limitations. Let’s look at the pros and cons of VPS:
- VPS is cheaper than Dedicated Server Hosting
- As per the theory, you can customize VPS completely to suit to your needs
- There are managed, semi-managed and unmanaged packages of VPS
- Being a private server, VPS offer good security
- The most common problem that you may face while using VPS is the unsuitable distribution of resources. This means, in spite of the availability of the option of utilising the server to the fullest, you cannot do that. VPS comes up with problems as soon as you try to use the server to its full capacity.
Now, if you have made up your mind that you are going to invest in Dedicated Server Hosting, you should keep in mind some tips that will help you in the process:
Replacement: While signing the contract, make sure to check the clause that ensures that the server will be replaced in case of any failure of the parts.
Quality of the hardware: As servers have a physical existence, it’s equally important to invest in quality hardware for better service.
Uptime: Make sure to go through the record of accomplishment of the provider and accept the contract only if the uptime is at the range of 99%.
Helpdesk: The provider should always offer help whenever you have a problem. Your server may be unmanaged but you are entitled to get support. Therefore, go through the support system of the provider to know about it in details.
Expense: The most essential step that you should take is to know the expense of installing Dedicated Server Hosting. Make sure to understand what features you are enjoying under the price tag.
Now you can invest in Dedicated Server Hosting as you know the details that you should consider before getting started.