Shared hosting is enough for most small and medium websites. This kind of hosting only offers a portion of the server’s hard drive. All resources are shared between the users, such as RAM, the processor and the bandwidth. Shared hosting is cheaper and requires computational power, additional space, and the lack of privacy is unbearable. The most popular option at this point, which ensures continuous growth, is dedicated servers. This service makes the user rent the entire server including all its resources. It is more expensive than shared hosting, but it enables a vast array of operations, along with providing more security and privacy.
There are two types of dedicated servers – Unmanaged and Managed. Unmanaged dedicated servers, even though are more expensive than shared hosting, are still at a lower cost than Managed hosting. However, the maintenance required for this is in the hands of the user. Re-boots, updates and software integration are the sole responsibility of the customer. This kind of hosting is a cost-effective solution for companies or people, who have enough knowledge to keep operating the server at its maximum. But, the savings are not impressive when it comes to only one server, the value will increase substantially for a cluster of servers. Whether it is a dedicated expert who has been hired on an hourly basis, either to maintain a server or an entire team for the server infrastructure, Unmanaged hosting will only suit if the organization renting it can make sure that it is properly maintained.
Managed dedicated servers cost more than shared hosting or Unmanaged dedicated servers. The reason for this is that the hosting company ensures all necessary supervision, as well as optimization of servers. They depend on expert personnel for the maintenance and updating of systems, as well as keeping the machines running optimally. Things like re-booting, software installation and updating are automatically done by the hosting company. It is a good solution for enterprises without proper knowledge, employees, or time to look after the servers.
Some hosting companies offer migration between Unmanaged and Managed dedicated servers. If Managed becomes too costly or Unmanaged becomes difficult to handle, there are different hosts who would provide support and transfer, one way or the other. This way the user is able to utilize the benefits of both servers and are able to enjoy the flexibility of the situation, as it requires.